To my dearest nephew

Hardly bigger than a walnut
And yet you made my tears fall
In the middle of a train station hall
In Germany…
Oh yeah, just act normally!

No worries, my little boy
Those were tears of joy
So you’re quickly forgiven

Waking me in the middle
of the night!
Well, never mind.
Cause we finally got to see you in life

Now you’re a bundle of giggles
So genuine and pure
For any sorrow the cure.

Your poop stinks horrendously
I mean like…seriously!
It’s everywhere
But you are the embodied cutenessIMG-20160626-WA0008[1]
And we love you nonetheless

All the slaps, punches, bites…
Our harmless little fights
The never-ending spitfalls
Your furious mama calls

All this disappears
When your face clears
You crack a smile
And we are speechless for a while

Please, regard this as a promise
That I’d strive not to miss
Any important moment you go through
For that’s what family is for

Also, kindly remember
That I won’t surrender
And behind mommy’s back I shall
Teach you all the mischief –
For that’s my speacial auntie mission! >:)

Yours faithfully,


auntie Kika

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